The SpikeWatcher™ PA family of Performance Analyzers helps you maximize the efficiency and lifetime of your equipment. Really the only difference among the variants is the screen layout and the data labelling. Four of the variants are specifically designed to evaluate how well a specific set of equipment is working:
- Small well pump station
- Pressure reduction valve
- Pipe main (water and wastewater)
- Lift station (water and wastewater)
The final variant is a generic screen for analyzing any set of analog sensors and digital inputs.
SpikeWatcher PA Live View
Every SpikeWatcher PA screen has the same intuitive layout. This is the main real-time user interface to the specific application that is running the the SpikeWatcher PA hardware platform. From here you can troubleshoot the equipment under test, see the effects of adjustments, and identify any recent alerts.
The Current Readings section of the screen shows the real-time measurements from each of the enabled sensors. Tle bar graphs show the measurements fall within the limits for each channel: red = high, green = good, yellow = low.
The History section of the screen shows the maximum and minimum readings from the sensors since the unit was reset. The date and time of occurrance of these readings is also shown. If power is lost, the unit will continue its operation when power is restored until it is explicitly reset again.
The Alerts section shows the history of the alerts that have been issued. It shows which channel caused the alert, the date and time, and the measurement that triggered the alert. You can page to older and newer alerts. All of the alerts are stored in a file on the unit. This alert history is maintained even if the unit is not in use.
The Summary section contains information about the operation of the unit since it was started or reset. It contains the current sample time, the duration of this particular session and the date and time it was started. Additional information that is specific to the current variant is also shown. This may include the number of spikes detected, the energy used, the fluid velocity, and the pump efficiency.
The Trend section contains a graph of the measurements from a selected channel. The selection is indicated by a check mark in the Current Readings section. The graph shows the last 60 readings from the channel. The update interval is set, from 1 second to 1 day, when the unit is set up. It can be changed at any time.
If there any digital devices connected to the SpikeWatcher PA unit, they are shown in the Digital section. These may include emergency switches, occupancy sensors, door position, or any device with a binary output. There can be up to 8 digital devices connected to the unit.
The Spike section contains information about the last detected spike. The total number of spikes is tallied in the Summary section.
The Diagram section is tailored to the specific application. These are some of the standard applications of SpikeWatcher PA. The Summary section may also contain information specific to the chosen application depending on the enabled channels. We can create new applications as they are needed.
Small Well Pump Station
This is a small pump station at a well site. Depending on the enabled channels, the SpikeWatcher PA samples, records and analyzes the output pressure, the current at two power circuits, the temperature in the control building and the outside air temperature. The spike detection process is typically configured for the output pressure or the electrical current. The Summary section will show the power consumption and the number of spike events.
Pressure Reduction Valve
Pressure reduction valves are common in fluid distribution systems. Depending on the enabled channels, the SpikeWatcher PA samples, records and analyzes the in and out pressures, flow, and valve position. When sudden changes in measurement of the user-specified sensor, the minimum, maximum, and average values, as well as duration, are recorded. The Summary section will show the differential pressure and the number of spike events.
Pipe Main
This is the most commonly used SpikeWatcher PA application. It can be used for fluid distribution mains or wastewater force mains. Depending on the enabled channels, the SpikeWatcher PA samples, records and analyzes the pressure, flow, and valve position. When sudden changes in measurement of the user-specified sensor, the minimum, maximum, and average values, as well as duration, are recorded. The Summary section will show the number of spike events.
Lift Station
This application is used for a wastewater lift station containing multiple pumps. It can also be used for a fluid booster pump. The number of pumps can vary depending on the installation. The number of pumps running at any time is shown in the diagram. This particular application shows the aggregate measurements of the entire station, instead of the individual pumps. Depending on the enabled channels, the SpikeWatcher PA measures the wet well level, the flow rate, the station current, and the output pressure. The Summary section will show the the number of spike events, pump run time, power consumption, pump efficiency, and fluid velocity.